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Meet the team

We’re a dedicated group of professionals with one big thing in common:
our shared passion for nostalgia and preserving personal histories

We’re a diverse group with a shared love of nostalgia and preserving personal histories

Photomyne | Nir Tzemah | CEO and Co-Founder Photomyne | Nir Tzemah | CEO and Co-Founder
Photomyne | Yair Segalovitz | COO and Co-Founder Photomyne | Yair Segalovitz | COO and Co-Founder
Photomyne | Omer Shoor | CTO and Co-Founder Photomyne | Omer Shoor | CTO and Co-Founder
Photomyne | Natalie Rodrig Verter | CPO and Co-Founder Photomyne | Natalie Rodrig Verter | CPO and Co-Founder
Photomyne | Mickey Atir | Chief Marketing Officer Photomyne | Mickey Atir | Chief Marketing Officer
Photomyne | Tali Schwartz | Design Lead Photomyne | Tali Schwartz | Design Lead
Photomyne | Shay Erov | Android Expert Photomyne | Shay Erov | Android Expert
Photomyne | Boaz Amit | Marketing Lead Photomyne | Boaz Amit | Marketing Lead
Photomyne | Lara Lewkowicz | Customer Experience Lead Photomyne | Lara Lewkowicz | Customer Experience Lead
Photomyne | Noam Eshel | Video Lead Photomyne | Noam Eshel | Video Lead
Photomyne | Noa Afriat | Full Stack Developer Photomyne | Noa Afriat | Full Stack Developer
Photomyne | Tal Katz | Chief Finance Officer Photomyne | Tal Katz | Chief Finance Officer
Photomyne | Gil Paskhover | Mobile Apps Developer Photomyne | Gil Paskhover | Mobile Apps Developer
Photomyne | Dina Shenderey | Product Designer Photomyne | Dina Shenderey | Product Designer
Photomyne | Liron Kutzi | Head of HR Photomyne | Liron Kutzi | Head of HR
Photomyne | Ishay Teboul | QA Tester Photomyne | Ishay Teboul | QA Tester
Photomyne | Or Shemesh | QA Tester Photomyne | Or Shemesh | QA Tester
Photomyne | Michal Nomis | Localization Manager & Content Writer Photomyne | Michal Nomis | Localization Manager & Content Writer
Photomyne | Yana Lerner Gal | Video Editor Photomyne | Yana Lerner Gal | Video Editor
Photomyne | Moshiko Cohen | Assistant Controller Photomyne | Moshiko Cohen | Assistant Controller
Photomyne | Adir Samuel | Backend Software Developer Photomyne | Adir Samuel | Backend Software Developer
Photomyne | Yonatan Nevo | Video Editor Photomyne | Yonatan Nevo | Video Editor
Photomyne | Ofir Vilan | Marketing Analyst Photomyne | Ofir Vilan | Marketing Analyst
Photomyne | Lihi Nissan | People Operations Manager Photomyne | Lihi Nissan | People Operations Manager
Photomyne | Mariya Reznikov | Customer Support Manager Photomyne | Mariya Reznikov | Customer Support Manager

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by Photomyne

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Get the full scanning suite

Unlock premium access to all three scanning apps:
Photomyne Photo Scan, SlideScan, FilmBox and Colorize.

Try 3 days free then $59.99/year

Plan auto-renews until canceled. Cancel anytime.

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so we can text you a download link

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Terms of Use

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What's next? Follow these steps to continue:

1. Download the Photo Scan by Photomyne app

Open the text message / email we sent you and tap the link to download Photo Scan by Photomyne on your phone.

2. Open the app & log in

Open Photo Scan by Photomyne and tap Got the scanning suite? to log in with your phone number.

3. Download the rest of the Scanning Suite

Once logged in to Photo Scan by Photomyne, download the other apps: SlideScan, FilmBox and Colorize.

Or login to your account online

Need help? Contact our support | Learn more in this FAQ


We urge you to read Photomyne’s complete GDPR information page before continuing.

Access your account right here, on your computer:

1. Open the app on your mobile device.

2. Inside the app, tap the icon, and enter your email to receive a one-off access link.